TBO members are excited to be taking part in the upcoming 2021 Society for Applied Anthropology conference, March 23-27. If you’re headed to the conference this year, please join us!!
Session title: "Critical Play: Applied Digital Anthropology in Pandemic Times"
Abstract: The Body Online (TBO) is a critical digital ethnography lab based at Middlebury College and the University of Toronto and dedicated to student-community collaborative research. In this panel, TBO members reflect on multimodal ethnography as critical play and applied design. Drawing on their ethnographic research with front line health and food workers (Zoom and WhatsApp) and digital activism on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, panelists examine the new kinds of pedagogies, knowledges, and material effects that digital ethnography can realize under pandemic times—from BLM activism, to farmworker rights, pandemic medicine, mental health, and sex education. Please join us: When: Thursday March 25, 4:00-5:45pm ET Where: SfAA conference platform https://www.appliedanthro.org/annual-meeting